Me & My Cuppa Tea

Reading, knitting, cooking, etc.

Dinner 20200902


Made cavatappi with whatever I can find in my fridge for dinner.

I used onion, bacon, and crimini mushroom sautéed together, then added tomato sauce; and I boiled the peas with pasta.

Then added them all together. Voila! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

用家里冰箱里剩下的材料随便做了一锅意面。超级好吃!过程也特别简单:炒洋葱、培根、和蘑菇,然后加入番茄酱;煮开水,加盐,加青豆,煮成al dente,捞出来把面用酱裹匀就可以啦。